New Here?

New Here?

Welcome to Calvary Bible Church Houston

No matter who you are or where you’re from, there is a place for you here at Calvary Bible Church Houston. This is because we place priority on loving you from where you are to where God wants you to be. We worship freely and love deeply. You will love it here. Welcome Home.

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This Is Home

Welcome!!! We are excited you have come to experience our online community.  We invite you to browse through our website to learn more about who we are and connect with us.

We are a multi-cultural congregation united by a love for Jesus and a passion to see God’s love and grace flow into every area of our community. If you do not have a place of worship or a place to call home, we welcome you to join our family-friendly congregation on Sundays at 10.00 am and Thursdays at 6.00 pm or during any of our life-transforming services.

If you have a prayer request or would like to contact us, please visit our Contact Center and Prayer Request pages. God bless you abundantly

Bible Based Teaching

Here at Calvary Bible Church Houston, the word of God is relevant and alive. Our goal at every service is to help you practically apply the Bible to your everyday life.
Every time we fellowship together, you can be sure that you’ll hear a message that will change your life and guide you in making godly choices.

Unhindered Worship

We worship God in Spirit and in Truth because that’s what we have been called to do. The power of God is free to manifest in n atmosphere of worship and that is what we always yearn for.

Children who Love Jesus

We place priority on teaching our children about Jesus. The Bible comes alive through worship, creative bible teaching, and hands-on discovery. We teach them practical ways to develop their personal walk with Jesus.


We know that sometimes things get tough. So, If you need someone to talk to, we are here to counsel you and help you navigate trying times.


We are always here to pray for you. Do you have something you need us to agree with you in prayer for? Please reach out to us.


We would love for you to worship with us. Your presence is important to us and we know you will never remain the same as you worship with us

Our Covenant with God

We have a covenant with God that anyone who faithfully worships and serves in Calvary Bible Church, within SIX months, will experience a TURNAROUND in their lives and have a NOTABLE TESTIMONY. And THERE SHALL BE NO LOSS.