Our Beliefs

Our Beliefs

What We Believe

At Calvary Bible Church Houston, we believe entirely in the authority of Scripture. We believe that God has called us to submit to His Word and His leadership. To recruit people from the enemy’s camp, teach them the truth of His word, and prepare them for heaven.


  1. The Divine inspiration of the Bible as the infallible Word of God.
  2. The Divine Trinity consists of three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost.
  3. The Deity of Jesus Christ, His virgin birth, His sinless life, teachings, crucifixion, resurrection, ascension, and His second coming to this earth in power and glory to rule.
  4. Man was created in the image of God before whom he walked in innocence, holiness and purity, but by voluntary disobedience and transgression, he fell to the depths of sin. Therefore, the only means of being cleansed from sin is through repentance and faith in the finished work at Calvary.
  5. Perfection is a spiritual growth for those who have been sanctified and consecrated unto God
  6. In the baptism of the Holy Ghost for all believers who are living sanctified lives and that is evidenced by the speaking in tongues as the Spirit gives utterances
  7. The divine healing of sickness is given for all believers is provided through the atonement
  8. The second coming of Jesus and the Rapture of the church
  9. That tribulation will occur between Christ’s second coming for his bride and His return in judgment
  10. In the 1000 year reign of Jesus Christ on earth
  11. The Great White Throne Judgment as the final judgment when all the wicked will stand before God
  12. The new Heaven and new Earth will replace the current Heaven and Earth
  13. In Eternal Heaven and Eternal Hell as literal places of final destination
  14. In water baptism by immersion as Jesus commanded

This is Home

Our Covenant with God

We have a covenant with God that anyone who faithfully worships and serves in Calvary Bible Church, within SIX months, will experience a TURNAROUND in their lives and have a NOTABLE TESTIMONY. And THERE SHALL BE NO LOSS.